Virus Info

Have symptoms?

Emergency? Dial 911

Advice from a nurse

From a nurse who is treating coronavirus victims.

Unless they are acutely short of breath , they don’t need to do much .

Unless you have a fever greater than 101 , acute sob and a dry cough , it’s unlikely they will test you .

Treat symptoms symptomatically .

Cough,mucinex or whatever you use as a cough medicine .

Tylenol for your fever . Lots of fluid intake . Wash your hands and don’t cough on people .

There is still an acute shortage of tests and resources are limited .

If they feel they have all of those symptoms , they need to see their gp (call ahead ) or urgent care.

We are being overwhelmed with people who have symptoms but could easily have been treated in the community.

Need help due to covid?

Covid help

Georgia Hotline

"Governor Kemp’s office released a COVID-19 hotline that Georgia residents can call with questions or concerns about the coronavirus but urges those with symptoms to see a doctor. The hotline is (844) 442-2681."

Track the Virus

I have found this to be the most reliable source of truth - the map seems very accurate

Virus tracking across the world

Tracking coronavirus

Useful Resources

Useful link

CDC Latest

Atlanta source of truth on coronavirus


Coronavirus hotline Coronavirus hot line: 866-782-4584

Be Ready

How to prepare for a pandemic

Track the Virus


Real time cases

Track US Cases

Confirmed cases

DPH Statement

Dept of Public Health

Prepare for Coronavirus possible quarantine


Cobb County Schools Statement

Cobb county


1)Coronavirus is 20x more deadly than the flu

2)Flu mortality rate is approx 0.1%

3)Coronavirus mortality rate is approx 2-3% - seems higher in Italy and France possibly

4)Coronavirus is VERY contagious, probably way more contagious than the flu though there is no figure put on this as yet

5) Donald Trump is NOT an expert on viruses. The CDC lady IS. She has called for schools to be shut down but was allegedly overridden by President Trump. Do not think all is fine because of what Donald Trump says.

6)We DONT KNOW how many people have it in the USA because so LITTLE testing is going on - very few people have been tested at all, and the CDC bodged a lot of its initial tests so people are having to be re-tested anyhow - this was what happened with the one case of "community infection" found where we do not know how that person got Coronavirus - they have had it for about a week because the first test was bodged and registered negative)

7)Washing your hands thoroughly, avoiding touching your face and avoiding contact with anyone who is coughing/sneezing are still the best ways to avoid it

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